Chaplains: Dover AFB should reject complaint over Operation Christmas Child

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Chaplains: Dover AFB should reject complaint over Operation Christmas Child

DOVER, Del. – An activist group that frequently sends scathing letters to military commanders has now issued one to a Dover Air Force Base squadron commander that demands that he rescind support for Operation Christmas Child, a program that provides underprivileged children around the world with Christmas gifts in a shoebox.

The objection from the Military Religious Freedom Foundation comes after Lt. Col. Don Tasker’s secretary provided information by e-mail to the 436th Force Support Squadron for those who wish to participate in the program, which is sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse, an eligible Christian service charity under the Combined Federal Campaign. MRFF also demands that Tasker discipline his secretary for issuing the e-mail.

“We should be commending members of the Air Force, not condemning them for wanting to serve orphans,” said Chaplain (COL) Ron Crews, USA Retired, executive directorof Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty. “The e-mail announcing a volunteer opportunity in no way violates any Air Force policy or regulations, especially since the program involved is a federally approved charity. We sincerely hope that Lt. Col. Tasker will stand behind those under his command who simply make others aware of how they may serve others if they so choose.”

Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty is an organization of chaplain endorsers, the faith groups that provide chaplains for the U.S. military and other agencies needing chaplains. The endorsers in Chaplain Alliance speak for more than 2,600 chaplains serving the Armed Forces.
