Kelly Shackelford

ICYMI: ‘Grassroots Army’ Supports Tuberville’s Efforts to Overturn New DOD Abortion Policy

ICYMI: ‘Grassroots Army’ Supports Tuberville’s Efforts to Overturn New DOD Abortion Policy

‘The mission of the U.S. military is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation’s security, not to pursue an abortion agenda being pushed by the Biden administration and their radical allies on the outside’

Liberty Institute Chair: If Americans Don’t Fight For Religious Liberty, They Will Lose It

Liberty Institute Chair: If Americans Don’t Fight For Religious Liberty, They Will Lose It

‘The good news is that this country was founded on religious freedom, and so the nation’s laws, Constitution, history and heritage supports religious freedom. And the people who are trying to change that are the ones who are having to fight uphill’