CALL Commends Army Leadership in Chaplain Calvert Case

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Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty Commends Army Leadership in Chaplain Calvert Case

WASHINGTON — Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty is pleased to learn that the U.S. Army has changed course in the Chaplain Calvert matter. “Folks always want to know the bottom-line, and the bottom-line in this case is that Chaplain Calvert was exonerated - religious liberty and free speech was upheld,” said Bishop Derek Jones, Executive Director of Chaplain Alliance. Chaplain Calvert was originally being punished for actually supporting as moral and proper the existing policy, before it was recently changed, of excluding from military service those with gender dysphoria. “Chaplain Calvert is a chaplain held in high regard, as most chaplains are…all ready to serve their fellow service members as they seek to be spiritually fit for battle,” Bishop Jones continued. "That this nation ensures our first constitutional right of free exercise by service members through our chaplains is one of the reasons we are the strongest and most resilient military in history.”

Retired Navy Chaplain and President of Chaplain Alliance, CAPT Craig Muehler, gave high praise to First Liberty Institute for coming to the aid of Chaplain Calvert. “We are grateful for attorney Mike Berry and First Liberty Institute. We are blessed to have them as a partner in the effort to ensure that everyone’s God-given rights and constitutionally protected religious liberties are protected. This decision was important and shows that those who selflessly serve our Nation in uniform should not be forced to compromise their deeply held religious faith.”

Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty is an organization of chaplain endorsers, the faith groups that provide chaplains for the U.S. military and other agencies needing chaplains. The endorsers in Chaplain Alliance speak for more than 2,600 chaplains serving the Armed Forces.
