United States Army Reserve

Chaplains commend congressional actions concerning censorship by Air Force Academy

Chaplains commend congressional actions concerning censorship by Air Force Academy

‘No Americans, especially those who defend our freedom, should be denied their constitutionally protected religious liberties’

Chaplains to DoD:  Stop use of SPLC as Source for Equal Opportunity Briefs

Chaplains to DoD:  Stop use of SPLC as Source for Equal Opportunity Briefs

‘The recent briefing given to Army personnel at Camp Shelby that identified the American Family Association as a so-called “hate group” clearly came from the Southern Poverty Law Center. Our recent Freedom of Information Act request concerning a similar briefing in a Pennsylvania Army Reserve unit made clear that the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute uses the Southern Poverty Law Center as a “reliable source” to train Equal Opportunity officers. This must stop’

Chaplains to DoD:  Allow Catholic service members to worship

Chaplains to DoD:  Allow Catholic service members to worship

‘Every American, including those who wear the uniform, should be allowed to exercise their God-given and constitutionally protected religious liberties regardless of whether portions of the federal government are open or closed’

Chaplain endorsers announce campaign to educate military personnel on religious liberty 

Chaplain endorsers announce campaign to educate military personnel on religious liberty 

‘We continue to receive reports from military personnel who are concerned their religious liberties are being infringed, even as they offer their lives to protect the religious liberty of all Americans. To ensure our men and women in uniform are able to exercise their sincerely held religious beliefs, we are making “Religious Liberty Palm Cards” available to chaplains and all service men and women. The cards outline what service members’ constitutionally protected religious liberties are and what to do if they believe their freedoms are being threatened. We have also established a link on our website that will provide a place for those who have encountered problems to report their concerns. We have enlisted experienced attorneys as well as retired chaplains to provide counsel and encouragement’