George Washington

The Faithful Called to Service over Safety

The Faithful Called to Service over Safety

‘In a recent column by Dr. Ron Crews, the executive director of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, and Joseph Infranco, senior counsel and vice president for alliance coordination with Alliance Defending Freedom, they documented the Military Religious Freedom Foundation’s fight against the overt expression of faith by chaplains’

Inhofe Praises Passage of FY’16 NDAA

‘The First Amendment guarantees religious freedom for every American—including military chaplains. The 2016 National Defense Authorization Act affirms the work of chaplains to ensure that every service member has the same religious liberty that they volunteer to defend and are willing to die for. With the strain of prolonged overseas conflict, Chaplains are needed now more than ever to make sure our service members receive all the help they need, especially those who are struggling against PTSD or thoughts to end their own lives. I commend the work of the Senate and House in providing a strong message about the role of chaplains in maintaining good order and discipline among service members and the importance of ensuring religious liberty for those who serve’

Military sacrificing good order for politically correct double standard

Military sacrificing good order for politically correct double standard

‘Army participation must not selectively benefit (or appear to benefit) any person, group, or corporation (whether profit or nonprofit); religion, sect, religious or sectarian group, or quasi-religious or ideological movement; fraternal organization; political organization; or commercial venture’